
Power to the Core

A strong core is incredibly important in any sport and is key to having a hott bod. Many people are under the impression that the core is just the abdominal muscles, they are wrong. Your core stabilizes your spine, pelvis and shoulders and runs the entire length of the torso. These muscles help control movements, transfer energy, shift body weight and move in any direction. Your core is where you generate power and provides the foundation for any physical activity. As a cyclist, climber and snowboarder as strong core is something I value and am always looking for new exercises to strengthen my core. Here are some of my favorite core exercises, most of which include using a stability ball:
  •  Stability Ball Alternating Crunch: Sit on ball and form flat platform with your back. The ball should be just above the small of your back. Cross your arms on your chest. Do a sit-up, hold for one second at peak and contract your abs then come back down. Then come up to the left side, then center, then right side and so continue the same rotation. Do 2 sets of 25 reps.  
  •  Balancing Seated Twist: Sit in crunch position on the floor and form 45 degree angle with you back and bring your feet off the floor with your knees halfway bent. Hold a medicine ball with your arms straight out and twist your torso side to side while keeping your feet off the ground. Do 2 sets of 20 reps.

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  • Jackknife with Ball: Use a stability ball and put your feet (laces down) on top of ball and arms supporting yourself in push-up position. Bend at the knees and roll ball as close to your chest as possible then straighten legs back out to starting position. Do 2 sets of 15 reps.
  •  Plank Lift your body up onto forearms and toes and keep your back straight. Do 2 sets 1 minute each.
  • Side Plank: Prop upper body on bent forearm and push your hips toward the ceiling. Do 2 sets 30 seconds each side.

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  • Leg Lift w/ Ball: Lay on back and hold a swiss between your feet. Keeps legs as straight as possible and lift legs off the ground (flex at waist, keep legs straight). Flex back down but don't let ball touch the ground. Do 2 sets 15 reps.

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  •  Leg Curl w/ Stability Ball: Some folks call this the bridge exercise too. Lay on your back with your heels on the stability ball and then roll the ball to your butt by bending your knees. Hold top position for one second then straighten legs back out. Do 2 sets of 15 reps.
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  • Pike with ball: Place your feet (laces down) on the ball and your hands on the floor in push-up position. Using your abs, pull yourself into pike position, hold and then release. Do 2 sets of 15 reps.

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  •  Other exercises that go well with this circuit are lunges with weights and squats holding medicine ball straight out in front you. Throw in whatever else you desire such as weights, other core exercises or cardio. I like to do these during a climbing sessions at the gym. It gives me a good break between pumps.
I usually spend about 45 minutes to an hour doing these exercises as a circuit. Chose at least 5 of these to do and begin to incorporate all of them into your work outs and do them properly. The key is to not rest more than a minute between exercises, keeping your heart rate up and burning calories. If you aren't sweating when you are doing this workout then you are resting too long. If you can do this two to three times per week you will see results quick. I know finding the motivation and time to go the gym is hard, but make it a priority, tell yourself the night before that you are doing this and don't let anything stop you. Just force yourself to go! Music helps me a lot when I'm in the gym because lets face it, the gym is boring, especially when you are alone. I like to listen to high energy stuff like techno or electro with a fast beat, it keeps me motivated and energized. Remember, your core is an overlooked muscle group that is very valuable to performing any sport at your highest level. Work it good and treat it right. Power to the core!

P.S. If you have any good exercises that you like to do, let me know in the comments. I'm always looking for new and exciting exercises. Change is good and keeps things interesting.

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