

Tonight is the season finale of Dexter. It's an awfully grotesque show that has this unexplainable power to grab the attention of millions of Americans, luring them into watching a socially inept creature who lives a lie and tricks everyone into thinking he's a normal 9-5 daddy. In actuality he's a mass murderer of the earth's scum. It's a great show because it relates to people with violence and I'm just speaking for myself here, but I, in some sadistic way love to see Dexter killing evil men who committed heinous crimes they have gotten away with. Tonight we'll see Dexter take down another bad guy, but the real question is whether he is going to get away with all his murders and will he lose another love? My prediction is that Dexter is going to kill Jordan Chase, but in the end Lumen is going to take the fall for Dexter's murders and Deb is going to finally realize her brother is a killer, but she's going to accept him for what he is. And Boston boy is taking the fall for Dexter's murder of Liddy. Hmmmm. I'm getting a little antsy for this to play out. Dexter Dexter!

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